Monday, November 10, 2014

I am so excited! I have posted enough on etsy to almost have a full page of listings! I am super proud so myself. Fingers crossed that the listings translate into sales :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

I have continued to work on carving the witch. I have thinned her some more and cut the top of her head off to make room for the hat. I also have worked on carving the hat. I still have a long way to go!

I am also starting to work on some more ornaments for the etsy store. From what I understand, I should start having more ornament sales starting around Thanksgiving. That makes sense. We shall see! :)

Friday, October 17, 2014

Here is what I have done so far on the teenage witch casting a spell. She isn't an experienced spell caster so she is crossing her fingers behind her back. So what spell is she casting? I was thinking it might be interesting to have her trying to change a toad into a prince. I was then going to attach the toad to a rotating section on the base, so you can see results and what she does about it.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

I decided to take a break from carving ornaments and pins for my Etsy store. Instead, I am working on carving a pattern of a witch casting a spell. I came up with the pattern myself. So far so good. It is definitely a challenging carving since it is a character in motion. Hopefully, I will have it done in time for Halloween. The hardest part will be gluing on the one arm, but I have done that once before on a different carving and it turned out well. 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sigh. I didn't sell one carving at the Living History Farms. There was hardly anyone there. In fact, no one sold anything. Oh well. On the bright side, I did get to chat with fellow carvers for 3 hours and make new friends. I also learned a lot from them too! So despite the lack of sales, I feel like I got my moneys worth for my time :) Tim gave me a piece of box elder to carve into something. Box elder has really awesome stripes of color in it so I am racking my brain as to what I could carve that would do it justice.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Getting ready to sell in person, well sort of. I am helping to demonstrate woodcarving at the Living History Farms. Selling is secondary to making people aware of how awesome wood carving is :) Here is a picture of my display so far. I know it is not that spectacular, but hey on a budget and with time constraints, I think I did darn well. I ran out of ribbon last night, so that is why three ornaments are on the floor. We are making an emergency Michaels run tonight to get more red ribbon!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

I have two listings up on Etsy! It is a lot of fun posting things to Etsy, but taking good photos is really difficult. I am not happy with the photos for one of my listings. I guess I will just have to keep experimenting until I get it right :) I am hoping to add more items in the next couple of days.